We heard about a young boy named Joey, who, as a result of a traumatic brain injury became permanently wheelchair-bound and lost the ability to control his body. His parents lost any guardianship or visitation and he was cared for by the State. Luckily, he was blessed with the loving, amazing Graves family. The Graves family fell in love with Joey, and after several years of visiting him and bringing him home for events and holidays, they pursued adoption. The Graves are retired and live on a fixed income and were unable to afford the handicapped van they needed to comply with the adoption requirement that they owned the van.
Along with the Graeme Preston Foundation for Life and The Charitable Fund of Lomurro, Davison, Eastmon & Munoz, we acquired and donated a handicap-accessible van for Joey and the Graves family. The adoption was final in 2018.
The Ken Cup is indeed a time to have fun and relax with friends and family, but it’s also an opportunity to do life-changing work for real people in need. Joey reminds us why we do what we do.
Thank you for helping make stories like this a reality!